Always on Duty

Around the world, around the clock, American Heroes are at work.

Vets' Retreat Virginia, Inc. honors, connects, and assists the men and women who serve America, past or present, at home or away.

Providing peer support, activities and events, resources and referrals.

Two men posing, one in uniform, smiling.

Honoring American Heroes

As a new organization, our short term goals are to meet and welcome our supporters and fans.  We will continue honoring those who provide military and emergency response services, past and present.

Our medium term goals are to bring our community and partners together for camaraderie, activities, and networked referral assistance, as needed.

Our long term goals are to establish and operate our 24 hour health, wellness, education, social & activity center here in Virginia, USA.

Providing Assistance to the Military and First Responder Community

The mission of our organization is to take action to confront and reduce persistent challenges in our Service community: depression, PTSD, substance abuse, and suicidal thoughts.

We aim to advance health and wellness through education, training, counseling, and many varieties of organized and free-form activities.

We offer a comprehensive network for professional development, military to civilian career transitions, and lifelong learning opportunities.


Three men standing by a fire truck.
Group of veterans pose with flags and wreath.

Supporting Our Community

30 percent of active duty and reserve military personnel deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan have a mental health condition requiring treatment – approximately 730,000 men and women, with many experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and major depression.

Less than 50 percent of returning Veterans in need receive any mental health treatment.

The Veterans Administration reports that approximately 22 Veterans die by suicide every day  (

Public health and public safety workers experience a broad range of health and mental health consequences as a result of work-related exposures to natural or human-caused disasters (SAMHSA, 2018).

We must (also) focus on establishing solid and accessible peer-to-peer networks within communities, giving Veterans (and first responders) spaces to be open about their struggles. Experts will tell you social connections save lives (, 2022).

Vets’ Retreat Virginia, Inc. will continue to network and support initiatives that help the members of our community.  Our objective is to make the right referral, to the right person, at the right time, any time that our services are requested or required.

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No Virginia Residency or Service Location Restrictions

We do not require you to live or work in Virginia.

We are active on social media.  After we establish our facility, we can be either a primary or secondary destination.  Tour the area and include our year-round activities and events in your plans.

Get Involved Today

If you want to support our cause, send us a message.
We look forward to hearing from you.